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NTU Animal Lovers Society

As Head of Publicity and Publications in NTU Animal Lovers' Society from 2014 – 15, I was responsible for the production of event collaterals, from idea conception to final printing. 

Freshmen Welcome Week, Let's Go Home - an adoption drive held at Changi City Point -, and Fur Dogs' Sake, a fund-raising event for the club, are just some of the club's activities that required my design input. These collaterals have taken the form of posters, large-format banners, flyers and bookmarks and were distributed on campus, as well as in other parts of Singapore. 

NTU Animal Lover's Society

NTU Animal Lover's Society

As Head of Publicity and Publications in NTU Animal Lovers' Society from 2014 – 15, I was responsible for the production of event collaterals, from idea conception to final printing. 

Let's Go Home

Let's Go Home

Let's Go Home was an adoption drive that our club organised at Changi City Point. I created the posters, banners and social media content for it.

poster LGH 5 UPDATED.jpg